An evening and morning of riotous misunderstandings and mistaken identities as the guilty parties in question try desperately to keep their romantic secrets secret!
Category: Alan Lewis

East Lynne
Lady Isabel is cunningly seduced by the villain into believing that the clandestine meetings of her husband and another woman are for romance rather than business.

Yes My Darling Daughter
The decision of a modern miss to conduct her love affair in her own unconventional way, an ambition she achieves by the exercise of a little polite blackmail over her mother.

Someone Waiting
Martin’s best friend Paul has been wrongfully hanged for murdering a girl in his adoptive father’s flat. Martin and Paul’s father are determined to discover the true murderer.

Little Boxes – Trevor
To satisfy their parents, two lesbians invent a boyfriend and hire an out of work actor to meet one pair of parents, but both sets of parents turn up at the same time.

Little Boxes – The Coffee Lace
The Coffee Lace concerns an ageing group of variety performers who have long since given up the outside world and lived at subsistence level on goods picked up on the Underground.