The Polden Players have just left the stage after performing in a local drama festival. The production was a disaster sparks fly while they vent their feelings about the performance.
Category: Joyce Eidmans

Bedroom Farce
Three bedrooms during one night and the subsequent morning. The eldest couple, Delia and Ernest, are getting ready to go out for a meal to celebrate their wedding anniversary…

The Secret Tent
A young wife who has been missing and presumed murdered returns home only to find that her husband’s feelings for her have completely changed.

The Owl And The Pussycat Went To See…
The Owl and the Pussycat sail to the land where the Bong Tree grows have adventures and live happily ever after.

Falling Off A Log
When Mother unexpectedly plans a trip home from America to see her son Gerald, she is expecting to find her beloved garden in the state in which she left it.

Anya”, the last surviving daughter of Czar Nicholas II of Russia is discovered as an amnesiac in a Berlin asylum by former Cossack ‘prince’ turned-taxi-driver Bounine.

Frost On The Rose
Elizabeth is high-spirited and carefree. Her intelligence makes her fond of Jane, however, Elizabeth is fully aware of how to play the game and she plays it

A Tomb With A View
A dusty, lawyer reads a will (involving some millions of pounds) to an equally sinister family. More corpses than live members are left in the cast as murder prevails.

It’s A Small World
An evenings entertainment derived from ideas from Joyce Eidmans and performed by players from the company. Travel the world through national sketches.

The Enquiry
Kate, a prisoner sentenced for killing her very sick child, has been attacked and driven to attempt suicide. The prison authoritites discover that the attack was made by an inmate.

The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Towns Women’s Guild Dramatic Society’s Production Of A Christmas Carol
A Merry Christmas One and All

Written by Margaret Wood Where and When 12th July 1991 @ The Allendale Centre, Wimborne…