The wife of an army general has hit on hard times needs to raise money, quick. But will her scheme to open the general’s headquarters to visitors pass her husband’s approval?
Category: Michael Waring

The Gentle Hook
Stacey Harrison is a charming, intelligent, successful career woman who unfortunately gets involved in divorce, but several murders as well.

Hay Fever
Judith Bliss, a retired actress, her writer husband David, and their two grown-up children have all privately invited guests for the weekend, unbeknownst to anyone else.

The Ghost Train
A ghostly driver, sudden deaths and a travelling parrot make this 1920s thriller an unnervingly hilarious exploration of our capacity for belief in the supernatural.

Doctor in Love
In this hilarious romantic comedy, Richard Gordon awakes one morning with a headache. It takes him a while to realise he is ill – after all he is a doctor!

Spider’s Web
Clarissa, wife of a diplomat, is adept at spinning tales of adventure but when a murder takes place in her drawing room she finds live drama much harder to cope with.

Doctor in the House
About the off duty lives of a group of medical students, this play weaves their happy triumphs and brave failures, love affairs and parties into a many colored pattern.

Quiet Weekend
Mildred and Arthur Royd, Marcia’s parents, own a country cottage intended for quiet week-ends. It does not, however, work out that way on some occasions.

The Hollow
An unhappy game of romantic follow-the-leader explodes into murder one weekend at The Hollow, home of Sir Henry and Lucy Angkatell, arguably Christie’s finest comic grande dame.

Dinner With The Family
Delachume, a young man of considerable charm and no scruples, is married to a rich, hysterical wife then into Georges’ life comes Isabelle, a quiet young girl with a kind heart.

Champagne For Breakfast
An evening and morning of riotous misunderstandings and mistaken identities as the guilty parties in question try desperately to keep their romantic secrets secret!

East Lynne
Lady Isabel is cunningly seduced by the villain into believing that the clandestine meetings of her husband and another woman are for romance rather than business.