Written By
Jean Anouilh
Where and When
31st October 1969 @ Wimborne Modern School
The Plot
According to Atkinson (Times), a play “of many moods…wistfully romantic, satirical, fantastic…To make his points about love (the author) has invented a fable about twin brothers—Frederic, who is shy and sensitive, and Hugo, who is heartless and aggressive. Frederic is in love with a hussy who is in love with Hugo. To save Frederic from an unhappy marriage, Hugo tries to distract him by bringing to a ball a beautiful dancer who masquerades as a mysterious personage and becomes the triumph of the occasion. She is a susceptible maiden in her own right. She not only breaks up all the cynical romances that have been going on before she arrived, but loses her own heart as well.”
Ticket Information
- Admission – 5/-
- Joshua – James Glanfield
- Hugo / Frederic – Richard Withers
- Diana Messerschmann – Carole Bird
- Lady India – Pat Nott
- Patrice Bombelies – Christopher Hughes
- Madame Desmortes – Muriel Brooks
- Capulet – Jenni Waring
- Messerschmann – Tim Eling
- Romainville – Arthur Brooks
- Iabelle – Peggy Tyack
- Her Mother – Thelma Dryden
- Footman – Graham Brown
Creative Team
- Director – Derek Saunders
- Stage Manager – Barrie Nott
- Assistants – Tricia Marlow, Chris Ridout, John Anthony, Ian Raeburn and Geoff Markham
- Properties – Brenda Sammons
- Prompt – Janine Brockes
- General Manager – Peter Marlow