Written By
Philip King and Falkland Cary
Where and When
16th – 19th March 1989 @ The Allendale Centre, Wimborne
8th April 1989 @ D’Uberville Centre, Wool – Charity Event
The Plot
Beware of mother-in-laws, especially of one like Emma Hornett. A.B. Albert Tufnel is anxious that his fiancĂ©e, Shirley, should not take after her mother, Emma. Albert is also disturbed to find that Shirley has weakly acquiesced to living only three doors away from her mother. Albert’s only defence is not to turn up at church. Later he makes peace with Shirley and the wedding is on again.
Ticket Information

- Edie Hornett – Barbara Trebilco
- Emma Hornett – Shirley Stickland
- Mrs Lack – Yvonne Goodman
- Henry Hornett – Spencer Hare
- Albert Tufnell – Tony Feltham
- Carnoustie Bligh – George Symes
- Daphne Pink – Shirley Ilott
- Shirley Hornett – Barbara Hurst
- Re. Oliver Purefoy – Brian Ball
Creative Team
- Director – Eileen Judd
- Stage Manager – Joe Brooks
- ASM – Janet Smith
- Propmpt – Pam Feltham
- Properties – Christina Barnes, Janet Whiting and Peter Whiting
- Lighting – Chris Richards
- Sound – Godfrey Judd
- Wardrobe and Publicity – Carolyn Woodward
- Front of House – Daphne Young
Classic fun
Wimborne Drama Club’s presentation last week in The Allendale Centre of the comedy Sailor Beware! was a blockbuster – and no block has ever been more busted than by Shirley Stickland’s resounding performance as Emma Hornett, the domineering wife and mother.
This hilarious play by Philip King and Falkland Cary has a simple but forceful plot concerning a family in which the daughter is about to be married. But when her sailor fiance arrives he begins to have second thoughts when he finds that, after the wedding, he will be living a few doors away from his shrew of a mother-in-law.
Shirley was absolutely splendid as Emma but this takes nothing away from the rest of the cast. Barbar Trebilco as Edie Hornett, was a delight as the downtrodden, dithering sister-in-law, who has never got over being left at the alter.
Mrs Lac, who by no means did, was pefectly played by Yvonne Goodman. This nosy neighbour’s wedding outfit had to be seen to be believed! and Emma’s poor little henpecked husband was Spencer Hare and the only one to see some human feelings in his wife.
Tony Feltham as bridegroom-to-be Albert Tufnell, was nautically dashing and formed an amusing double-act with his shipmate and bestman Carnoustie Bligh (George Symes).
Pretty and petite Barbara Hurst was the emotional bride in waiting and lending an enchanting touch of flirty glamour to the whole proceedings was Shirley Ilott as the bridesmaid, Dapne Pink.
Bring up the rear end of the piece was Brian Ball as Rev. Oliver Purefoy at whose instigation the play came to a happy conclusion.