Written By
Wynyard Browne
Where and When
December 1953 @ W. I. Hall, Wimborne
The Plot
Jenny must give up her love in order to care for her aging parson father. The father in turn is heartsick because he has never had the confidence of his children, and never realized what tragedy had struck his younger daughter. In the final action everyone comes to a better understanding of the others, and the unhappiness is resolved on Christmas day.
- Jenny – Pat Chick
- David Paterson – Norman Rowe
- The Rev. Martin Gregory – Paddy Brooman
- Mick – Hugh Trenchard
- Aunt Lydia – Katherine Purchas
- Aunt Bridget – Hazel Drewett
- Richard Wyndham – Harold Midmore
- Maragret – Thelma Dryden
Creative Team
- Producer – Leonard H. Mottram
- Stage Managers – Daphne Young and Tertia Llewellyn
- Prompt – Pam Mottram
- Lighting – Reginald L. Wilkinson
- Interval Music and Recordings – Charles O. Chaleel
- Chief Steward – Leslie Young
- Business and General manager – Geoffrey R. C. Hawkins

A scene from Wynyard Browne’s play The Holly and the Ivy, which Wimborne Drama Club presented last week-end in Wimbore W. I. Hall. In the picture (left to right) – Harold Midmore, Hazel Drewett, Katherine Purchas, Pat Chick (standing), Paddy Brooman, Thelma Dryden, High Trenchard and Norman Rowe.
Long recognised for entertainment of high quality, the club enhanced its fine reputation. Once again the players – admirably directed by Leonard H. mottram – attained a remarkable standard with flawless performances by every member of the cast.
Of particular merit were Paddy Brooman, as the Rev. Martin Gregory, and Thelma Dryden, as his younger daughter – both of whom showed complete understanding of their difficult roles. Pat Chick, as the vicar’s elder daughter, Jenny, and Norman Rowe, as David Paterson, added much to the successful presentation and others taking part were Hugh Trenchard (the vicar’s son Mick), Katherine Purchas and Hazel Drewett (Aunt Lydia and Aunt Bridget), and Harold Midmore (Richard Wyndham).
Stage managers were Dapne Young and Tertia Llewellyn, with Pam Mottram as prompt. reginald L. Wilkinson and Charles O. Chaleel for music and recording. Leslie Young was chief steward and Geoffrey R. C. Hawkins business manager. The setting was by Daphne and Leslie Young, Tertia Llewellyn and Frederick Worth.